Grand-mère Quéquette (2004)
Direction Julie Berès, Alexis Fichet, Madeleine Louarn, Annie Lucas, Charlie Windelschmidt
Dramaturgy Alexandre Koutchevsky
Musical compositions Bérengère Labâcle, Jérémie Cordonnier
Set design Yannick Noblet
Video Wilhem Mastagli
Sound design Jimmy James
Text Christian Prigent
Created and performed by Marie Augereau, Farid Bouzenad, Jeanne François, Denis Lagrace, Monique Lucas, Delphine Simon
Coproduction CDDB-Théâtre de Lorient, centre dramatique national – Théâtre de Cornouaille, scène nationale de Quimper – Théâtre de Folle Pensée – Théâtre de l’Entresort – Cie Dérézo – Cie Lumière d’Août – Cie Les Cambrioleurs
In December 2004, Julie Berès, Alexis Fichet, Madeleine Louarn, Annie Lucas and Charlie Windelschmidt met at the studio of the Compagnie Dérézo in Brest to exchange ideas about what they liked to read. They decided to begin the collective adventure of adapting for the stage a novel by Christian Prigent, Grand-mère Quéquette. “What interested us in this initiative was the creation of a theatrical laboratory: a community of artists who experiment with the ways of setting a novel for the stage. We are betting that the collective approach to these questions will significantly feed our reflection, change the way we see, sharpen our aesthetic. For each of us it is about committing to trying a new path which will affect our choices. Christian Prigent’s large body of work allows for multiple forms of exploration of language and directing for the stage.”