E muet (2004)
Direction Julie Berès assisted by Valérie Malet
Dramaturgy Julie Berès, Nicolas Bigards, Valérie Malet
Set design Michel Launay
Lighting Michel Bertrand
Sound David Segalen
Video Christian Archambeau
Plastician Juliette Barbier
Created and performed by Béatrice Cheramy, Thomas Cloarec, Elsa Dourdet, Jocelyn Lagarrigue, Pascale Oudot, Julie Pilod, Igor Skreblin, Philippe Vieux
Executive Producer Cie Les Cambrioleurs
Coproduction Théâtre National de Chaillot, Paris – Théâtre National de Toulouse – La Filature, scène nationale de Mulhouse – Le Théâtre de la Madeleine, Troyes – EPPHGV La Villette, Paris
With support from DRAC Île-de-France – Arcadi (Action régionale pour la création artistique et la diffusion en Île-de-France) – DICREAM – La Fondation Beaumarchais – ANPE Île-de-France – Forum culturel du Blanc-Mesnil
This visual poem (snatches of voices, demultiplied sounds, light silhouettes punctuated with blinding flashes of bright light, video projections) invites us inside the mental landscape of a man who is in a coma. Perhaps he is experiencing a Near Death Experience, a period of profound uncertainty in which reality dissolves, allowing us to see and hear many things: monsters, angels, faces and unfamiliar landscapes, the void, too much…
In e muet, says Berès, “I wanted to propose a dramaturgically strong plotline, a musical score, a place to project the mental images of the spectators.”
“A man in a coma. The story of e muet, if there is one, is fairly sparse. And as the title implies, with a childlike glee, letters disappear and give way to an inchoate phantasmagorical universe of dreamed sensations, fears and reminiscences.”
Libération, Maia Bouteillet, March 29, 2004
“In e muet, Julie Berès invites us to ‘lose consciousness’ in a sensory journey, guided by flashes of memory. A fantastical crossing in the form of a visual poem.”
Mouvement, Naly Gérard, April 2004